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I, and many others, struggle with the prospect of failure in a society that’s all about success; learning to control this may be this century’s most essential skill.

A study by Dutch research institute RIVM shows that people are quite susceptible to pressure, always trying to get it right the first time and afraid to make mistakes. This has its effects on their mental wellbeing.

With this project for School of Life, I hope to show millennials that failure is an occasionally unavoidable part of life. In fact, it can lead to unexpected, beneficial outcomes. The concept builds on a pre-existent workshop, De kunst van het mislukken (“The art of failure”). After this workshop, participants receive Try & Error Magazine, which offers a creative way to test your limits and learn to embrace mistakes. The workshop and magazine will be promoted in outdoor advertising and a social media campaign.


“Falen is gewoon een extra kans om het opnieuw te proberen.”

Kate Jacobs

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